Why is credit repair important?
Low credit scores typically mean higher interest rates, and that means higher finance charges on your credit card balances. Repairing your credit would allow you to get a more competitive interest rate and cut back on the money you pay in interest. Believe it or not, your credit affects your insurance premiums. This includes auto, life, and home insurance. A bad credit history means you'll pay more for insurance than you would if you had better credit. Generally, as you demonstrate you can pay your bill on time, your creditors will increase your credit limit. But, a credit card issuer will check your credit score before increasing your credit limit. A bad credit history might get your credit limit cut hurting your credit score even more by raising your credit utilization. After you repair your credit, you won't have to be afraid of checking your credit score or worse, having someone else check it. You can have confidence knowing you have a healthy credit score.